

Masters Degree in Negotiations, Conflict Resolution and Peace Building (NCRP)
California State University, USA

Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, with a Major of Classical Accounting and Management
California State University, USA


Mediator, in accordance to the California Dispute Resolution Program Act of 1986, California State University, USA


Service Learning for Student Group Project (co-teach with Director and Faculty) – “Climate Action an Sustainability at CSULB”

Graduate Teaching Assistant – “Organizational Conflict“, Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peace Building program, California State University, USA

Online Masters Class; Organizational Conflict”, hosted by CSU Dominguez Hills Continued Education.  30 minute interview by Dr. Nancy Erbe.

Online Masters Class; Community Conflict”, hosted by CSU Dominguez Hills Continued Education.  30 minute interview by Dr. Nancy Erbe.

Research Assistant – “International Law Review”, Dr. Nancy Erbe

Research Assistant – Fulbright American Studies Buenos Aires, Brazil, Dr. Nancy Erbe

Graduate Intern – Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peace Building program

Watts Housing Projects: Nickerson Gardens, Imperial Courts, Jordan Downs, Gonzaque Village and CSUDH campus, California

The internship was a collaboration between California State University Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), Housing Authority Commission of Los Angeles (HACLA) and Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). The objective was to develop the ability of youth in Watts Housing projects to appropriately select and apply tools of conflict management and peace building; improve skills of youth in Watts using techniques for communication, conflict management, and peace building; and develop effective behavior skills of youth in Watts to achieve positive self-esteem and empowerment. The internship took place at various housing projects and CSUDH campus, where graduate student interns developed and taught curriculum to youth with the mission to accomplish set objectives. Inclusive in the curriculum was a weekend of camping in the Los Angeles Mountains in which the Watts youth and families were invited to take part in role playing, conflict resolution and recreational activities geared to promote positive association to different conflict resolution techniques. The internship culminated with intern’s development of a “Theories of Change” program; to be used as a practical tool to prevent gang recruitment and membership. The internship served the Watts community. The intern appropriately selected and applied tools of conflict management and peace building; and applied positive conflict management and peace building skills and techniques throughout the internship.


Southern California Mediation Association (SCMA)



Green Team Committee Chair –  Sustainability Meeting with Woody Harrelson and Jeff Calvert of Prairie Paper to discuss Step Forward Paper and changing the paradigm, April 11, 2016

Twitter Sustainability

woody harrelson

Accepted Presidential Outstanding Professor Awards on behalf of Dr. Nancy Erbe, California, March 2015


faculty awards 2

Panel Presentation on Cross Cultural Collaboration and Leadership at the Peace and Justice Studies Association annual conference at University of San Diego, 2014


San Diego 2014

Fulbright Presentation at CSU Dominguez Hills, California 2014
