Welcome to Resolution 4 Conflict

“Do Not Let The Behavior Of Others Disturb Your Inner Peace”

-Dalai Lama

Resolution 4 Conflict offers conflict resolution consulting services, mediation and training for a wide variety of organizations and individuals:

  • Government Agencies
  • Community Organizations
  • K-12 Schools and Students, including Anti-Bullying and Gang-Prevention programs
  • School Administrators, Teachers and Staff
  • Higher Learning Administrators, Faculty and Staff
  • Health Care Administrators and Staff
  • Professional Groups
  • Individuals

Each training program can be customized to fit the needs of each organization and its conflict based on a Conflict Assessment, in which the cultural dynamic and background of the group is interpreted and assessed.  The training will include Conflict Coaching and the use of interactive methods and role play to immerse participants in numerous cross-cultural  skill activities to help facilitate resolutions to the conflict at hand.  Conflict Implementation will include situational problem solving to policy/procedure and mediation of dialogue, as well as developing resources, and providing tools and methods for sustainable productive work environments.